Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Well...officially 21 for three minutes. All I can say is, it's about time! ^_~ It feels like I've been 20 for five years, which most likely has something to do with living in three cities in the span of one year, and part time in a fourth.

Anyhow, I am a bit late posting this, but I did a survey sort of fun thing in Yu-Ling's blog, and part of the deal is that I must also post this in my blog:

(A) First, recommend to me:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist, song, or album:

(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.

(C) Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends to ask you anything.

A couple of shouts out, for a very happy birthday to my cousins Andrea and Justin! (They're growing up so fast!!) And a happy early birthday to the one and only Elusive Miss D. Dawner Dawn Dawn =) The digits in your age both match...that only happens once every 11 years ;)

Thanks again to all who sent cards or emailed me today and over the past week...I know people always say it's the little things that mean the most, but rest assured that when I say such a thing, I truly mean it! Thank you so much =)

I hope that as each of you gears up into final exam mode or into work report mode, or wherever else God has placed you in life, that He will be with you...like He always is!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

~Excerpts from the Crazy Lady~

So I was on the phone tonight to Victoria, and we had an interesting conversation...which I'm sure if she was not already convinced I am insane, she now is...hahaha!

Anyways, it started with phone numbers...

me: Hey, do you know your rez number for next term yet?
vic: No, I'll check on that
me: yeah, cuz mine's similar to my boss's extension...same numbers
vic: that's weird! My extension is 2124
me: both very nice numbers...21 and 24
vic: nice numbers?
me: yeah, they're pretty...mostly, I like multiples of three. Don't you have favourite numbers?
vic: no, not really
me: none at all!? Not even 27!?
vic: *laughs* no
me: well, what would you say if I said...."nine-teen"??
vic: uh, well, it's a nice age?
me: no, the number itself!
vic: nothing besides the age
me: but it's such an ugly number!
vic: you're weird!
me: I know that...but "nine-teen"...it's just so...ugh! Like 29! Or 73!
vic: but that has a three in it
me: but it's not a multiple of three
....more number discussion...
vic: I think more about words, or rather, word combinations
me: oh yeah? Like what?
vic: rain fall...most of them are poem titles
me: such as?
vic: (what I heard) The Grave of Saul
me: the WHAT?
vic: (what I heard) The Grave of Saul
me: The "grave of Saul"
...much laughing...

My lovely ears did it again! It's not that I don't listen...I think that there is actually something wrong with my auditory skills. Anyways, I know it's a bunch of nonsense, but I thought for memory preservation purposes, I would post it!

By the way, she said "The greys of fall" ^_~

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

~ Birthday! ~

Happy happy birthday to dearest Victoria M.... and now, in honour of this occasion, an ode:

To Vicki,
My genuine and loving friend,
My sister in Christ,
My Wednesday night phone call buddy,
My soon-to-be housemate,
My fellow Switchfoot lover,
A fan of TV's most angsty offerings,
A supporter in prayer,
An encourager and a giver,
And very importantly....
My Hong Kong milk tea dealer! ^_~

Have a well-deserved wonderful day Victoria! Looking forward to 'Loo =)