~Excerpts from the Crazy Lady~
So I was on the phone tonight to Victoria, and we had an interesting conversation...which I'm sure if she was not already convinced I am insane, she now is...hahaha!
Anyways, it started with phone numbers...
me: Hey, do you know your rez number for next term yet?
vic: No, I'll check on that
me: yeah, cuz mine's similar to my boss's extension...same numbers
vic: that's weird! My extension is 2124
me: both very nice numbers...21 and 24
vic: nice numbers?
me: yeah, they're pretty...mostly, I like multiples of three. Don't you have favourite numbers?
vic: no, not really
me: none at all!? Not even 27!?
vic: *laughs* no
me: well, what would you say if I said...."nine-teen"??
vic: uh, well, it's a nice age?
me: no, the number itself!
vic: nothing besides the age
me: but it's such an ugly number!
vic: you're weird!
me: I know that...but "nine-teen"...it's just so...ugh! Like 29! Or 73!
vic: but that has a three in it
me: but it's not a multiple of three
....more number discussion...
vic: I think more about words, or rather, word combinations
me: oh yeah? Like what?
vic: rain fall...most of them are poem titles
me: such as?
vic: (what I heard) The Grave of Saul
me: the WHAT?
vic: (what I heard) The Grave of Saul
me: The "grave of Saul"
...much laughing...
My lovely ears did it again! It's not that I don't listen...I think that there is actually something wrong with my auditory skills. Anyways, I know it's a bunch of nonsense, but I thought for memory preservation purposes, I would post it!
By the way, she said "The greys of fall" ^_~
Hey Marianne,
what a funny conversation you and Victoria are engaged in... hahaha. Too funny!
I will def. post more blogs about nostalgia (that story about you and your pastor, that's funny too!). Hope you had a good term, I'll be in UW now and then, I'll catch up with you sometime soon.
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