Saturday, December 24, 2005

~ Recaps Long Overdue ~

Wow, it's been a while, and so much has happened...well, I guess it seems like a lot. For some reason, time seemed to pass slowly in December, all the while making me ask myself where the rest of the term went. Here's the update, quick style:

- Dec. 10th: Old Testament English exam...praise be to God, who helped me endure the hand cramps and the writers block that could potentially sink the three essays I need to write in 2.5 hours. Everything went smoothly, and even as I wrote the exam, I was forced to think of God's love in ways I never knew before taking the course. Thank you Lord - although I felt so many times like dropping the course, your grace pulled me through, and taught me many things along the way!

- Dec. 11th: Paul and Tiffany helped me move all my things into 208 Cline Ave. I stayed the night and unpacked all of my stuff and built a desk all by myself! (a very big achievement for such an un-handy girl).

- Dec. 12th: Roommate Christmas dinner...Vicki and Rebecca and myself put together a lovely ham dinner with stuffing and mashed potatoes; we had a guest of honour, Angela (our housemate from Australia who has gone home now). Other highlight - the gift exchange! Thank you to Vicki for Phase 10 (Yah!!) and the cute ornament and chocolate, Rebecca for the lovely stationary, and Angela for the kangaroo!

- Dec. 13th: Tutoring Organic, I love teaching SOOO much!

- Dec. 16th: Dinner at East Sides - We all gathered to say farewell to Sam, a friend and fellow servant of Christ who has done much to help get me active in CCF. I can't thank you enough! God bless you in Seattle.

- Dec. 17th: I had dinner with Jenny at Williams and we talked for 5 hours. What wonderful fellowship, sharing, encouragement, dreaming...everything!

- Dec. 19th & Dec. 20th: After enduring bad sleeps, I wrote my final two exams, which went relatively smoothly - I am very grateful for I know that it was God's strength and not my own which pulled me through. My prayer is that I can use this knowledge I have gained for His glory.

- Dec 20th added event: I decided to push my luck and run for the 1:30 pm Greyhound to Ottawa instead of the 3:30 pm; I made it! My parents were very happy, since they could pick me up at 9:30 pm instead of midnight. Thanks Mom and Dad!

- Dec. 23rd: Just came home from a GREAT Christmas party with my hometown friends! I also had the extra added bonus of speaking to Dawn on the phone, which was nice since she couldn't be with us this Christmas. We had excellent conversations, about everything from the wisemen, to Family Guy (and wisemen!), to food, to economics, to music, to politics (only in Ottawa I tell you!), to history (thanks Nick for the lesson with the globe!), to oceanography =) I love stimulating conversation and great company with old friends, and with new friends!

- And that takes me to Dec. 24th - @ 2:22 am...the morning of Christmas Eve! I'm home, happy, safe and sound, healthy, and counting all my blessings. My heart can't help but rejoice in the Lord as I contemplate all He has given me. I know that not all Christmasses will be so good - even the very first Christmas was bittersweet, symbolized by the myrrh that the magi gave Jesus. Part of me is scared for those days of trials, which I have seemed to be lacking in lately. The other part of me knows they are necessary and welcomes them in order to draw closer to God. I think the song by Steven Curtis Chapman says it best: "I didn't come looking for trouble...But if it's going to make me grow stronger then, Bring it on!" In the meantime, I will enjoy these wonderful times, all the while storing up God's love in my heart so that I know if and when a storm comes, I will have all the joy I need.

I won't be updating most likely until the New Year, so to anyone stumbling across this page (or those who check it semi-regularly), I wish all God's bountiful blessings on you and yours this Christmas, and that the first chapter of our Gospel will move and grow in new and fantastic ways this holiday season.

God bless and Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

~ On a mission... ~

Have you ever heard the theme song to "The Adventures of Tintin"? Oh man, all I knew is that I loved it. When I was a kid, I used to run to turn the TV on just to listen to the song. In my old age, I had forgotten how the song went, and have been wanting to hear it again for a long time.

Alas, my search has ended! Go Tintin!

Click to listen!

Besides that, things have been well. I have two finals down and three to go (already got back my final mark from Monday and am very pleased...Thank you Mom and Dad for all your prayers, and thank you God for testing my committment to you last Sunday, despite my Monday final).

I had the opportunity to help tutor organic chem with Chem Club tonight. Man, I just LOVE tutoring. I think I really do well with the one-on-one teaching setting. I believe that my volunteering at St. Peter's in March will be very telling of how I will like a larger group setting. All my life, I have taught one-on-one. I taught private piano lessons, reviewed school material with a friend, tutored CHEM 265...I wonder what it will be like?

I am getting excited about moving! It's coming up soon. I'm relieved to be going somewhere for more than 4 months, although I must say I will be sad to say goodbye to people in Waterloo for that long...and my dearest Vicki who I have lived with for 12 whole months! Oh Vicki, you've tolerated so much of me - I'll miss you sister!

Well, I'm going to listen to Tintin one more time before bed!

Inspired dreams of adventure and mystery await me...

Thursday, December 01, 2005



ahem...I hear the nominations are in for babe of 2005 =P