Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Last Philosopher's Passion of Spring 2004...

Well, it was a really wonderful term for me serving at CCF.  It's kind of surreal that Philosopher's Passion met for the last time this evening to share a meal together.  Tonight was really enjoyable.  Thanks to Sophia for bringing chocolate banana cake, and Phat for picking up a whole bunch of goodies at the store on the way over!  It was very much unexpected, but very much appreciated =)  Also a VERY big thank you to Mike Y, who went to pick up everybody on my behalf, even when he had a final in just over an hour.  You're a lifesaver, and thank you so much!

So, Sophia, Noella, David, Phat and I all had hamburgers and then various deserts... I think there were more deserts than main course food... but that's because it was at my house!  I really enjoy having people over.  I really think that I may take the work term to learn how to whip up a couple of easy but very yummy recipes, because I have discovered that I really like hosting events in my house.  Perhaps an area that I can develop further... darn!  should have picked more skills up from Annie last term =P

So, I'd like to quickly share some thoughts about Philosopher's Passion and what the past three months have been like:

- To begin, getting a chance to serve with Sophia was wonderful!  Even before I knew Sophia well, she always seemed to pop up out of nowhere when I needed someone to talk to, and she is a good listener.  From the beginning I was really excited about serving with her.  Our very first meeting, which was to set out the mission for Philosopher's Passion for this term was quite interesting... at first, our styles did not exactly match up.  I am pretty detailed oriented, and Sophia has a bigger outlook on the overall picture.  Without knowing this about each other, our first meeting was productive but a long time getting there,  because we both weren't aware how to mesh our styles.  But it certainly didn't take long for us both to learn how, and when we did, it is so evident that God placed us together for a reason... for Sophia to keep reminding me of the bigger picture and to keep overall focus when I can't see it, and for me to catch the details that may get missed.  It was a synergetic team in every sense of the word! 

- A word of... not caution... but FYI if you ever want to lead a group such as Philosopher's Passion... Attendence fluctuates DRASTICALLY!  If anybody knows a way to help people to commit to coming out regularly, please let me know!  But be advised, that if you want to get involved in the seeker ministry, the turnover is huge.  We had weeks with ten people, and then the next week, only one person would show (who was usually David... thanks David for being so reliable!)  And then two people (the second being Noella) and then ten people again!  I know it's because we are at school to study, but just be aware and don't be discouraged if this happens to you.  I am glad that I learned this now so that I can put some time into thinking of accountability systems for Philosopher's cell.

- Many irregular members that come know more than you think they do!  This is something that I learned to be very important.  Not knowing where everybody is in their knowledge of Christianity, I try to take things slow and explain concepts along the way so that nobody gets left behind.  I have to find a new way to do this, because it is easy to come off as condescending to seekers who are very well read in the material.  Of course, I have no such feelings, I just want to be very clear so that everybody has the same starting point.  But yes, a word of caution to balance the pace of discussion.

- God throws curve balls!  With the very unstable nature of this kind of ministry, you never know what you're going to get, so it is important that you are solid on the foundations of your faith.  Sometimes questions creep up that have nothing to do with the subject at hand.  It's good to be flexible, and I learned once again that it's really okay not to have all the answers!  Nobody does, right?

- You will learn more about your own faith than maybe you will end up teaching other people.  And this was exciting for me!  Some of the questions that came up were truly philosophical to the core, and as I'm not an extremely deep thinker, I was quite intrigued at many of the topics that arose.  Especially stuff on evil and angels... I want to look deeper into this theology, because it's really interesting, and it's challenged my faith because I haven't even thought about many things before.  Searching for the answers is a journey all unto itself, but that's life!

I hope that everybody who came out to Philosopher's Wednesday or Friday meetings will walk away with a little philosophy to ponder on.  I know that I have, and it's a term that has really shaped me.  It feels good to serve the Lord in a way that He has designed!

So what came first... the chicken, or the egg?


Monday, July 26, 2004

Quick update...

So Vicki and I are going to be official dungeon-dwellers in the winter term (a.k.a. Eby Hall) LOL!  We went to visit the place, and to be quite honest, it didn't really match the picture in my mind, but our plan is to bring a lot of tall lamps and posters to brighten the place up.  And besides, it's only four months, and CHEAP! =P

On a brighter note, I am delighted that Josey, Shirley, and Agnes, who we were going to sublet a house from, have found subletters to replace us (*sigh of relief*)  Victoria and I were really in quite the pickle, with different opinions from all sides, but we didn't want to leave our three friends in a scramble right before exams.  Luckily, God didn't really want that either, and we each got what we needed.  Praise Him!

If anybody feels like a road-trip to Montreal and has a car after exams, please let me know! *mischieveous smile*

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Hahahahaha!!! One of these things is not like the other... one of these things is not the same... lalalala! Like the new look?? =P I'm quite aware that this little photoshop endeavor will probably not help me convince ppl that I'm not an Asian wanna-be, but man, I just couldn't resist! Disclaimer: I am quite content being Caucassian just as I was created by God. Too bad I can't photoshop Cantonese and Mandarin into myself... that takes more time ^_^  Posted by Hello

The King has returned!

No, no, I'm not talking about Lord of the Rings =P I'm sure you may have noticed the stressful undertone in recent blogs. Lately, I've figured some stuff out about myself and my faith, and ever since, I feel full again! What a wonderful feeling, for God to have finally shown me what it is that has kept my heart unsettled this term. I am so thankful now that I know what it is and I can deal with it accordingly. Thank you Jesus!

Sorry that was cryptic... you can ask me about it in person if you wish. Speaking of cryptic, last week in cell group, Sophia posed the question, "Who is Jesus to you?" A lot of things came in my mind. He is my model of who I should be. He is the best friend anybody could ever have. He is a humble servant, who lowers himself below me to meet my needs. He loves like no other person has ever loved or will ever love. But you know, another thing that came to my mind is that he can be downright confusing and cryptic! Often the disciples asked him, "Why can you not speak to us plainly?" and sometimes I wonder the same. Sometimes I feel like if he just right out and said things, there would not be so much division, even in the church over interpretations and stuff. But then again, maybe he had to speak like that to live long enough to gain enough of a following for His purpose to be effective. A method of self-preservation perhaps?

Of course, most of the parables are relatively easy to understand, and paint wonderful pictures in practical and tangible ways of how life should be lived. Where I sometimes get confused is when Jesus changes characters in the parables... like "I am the gate" and then "I am the shephard". More than his words though, I sometimes sit and wonder about his actions. Sometimes it seems like the disciples are just trying to help, like bringing him a glass of water, but he rebukes them all of a sudden. I guess it must just be that he can either read our minds or sense our motives (I'm still not clear on his earthly abilities on that matter), so he sees that first. Maybe?

I always figured that somebody who is perfect would also be predictable, but Jesus definitely isn't, at least to me. I guess that just once again tells me that as human beings, we can't even begin to comprehend certain things, including perfection. Does a day go by that even a fleeting selfish thought doesn't taint our minds?

Anyways, I probably should get on with things. Just ponderings...

A picture for you (see above)!

 Posted by Hello

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Up and down, back and forth...
Life is very fluid for me lately.  It seems that I can have a superbly good day and a miserably bad day all in the very same day.  Do you know what I mean??  I guess I'm just happy of the fact that through it all, God remains constant.. even though it feels like I've been walking through the life of the "Crazy Kitchen" lately...
Well, as for today, I handed in an incomplete assignment because I had no idea how to finish it.  There's so much to do, and I wish I had time to take a break.  You know, like when you get an exam over or a big project, and you would just like to watch a movie or something?  But then of course, you can't because you just have another exam or another project due the very day after.  Been running on empty for a while... but I guess it's when I'm the most empty that I have the chance to be the most "full"... in the spiritual sense.  It's just so hard to feel!
Today was also a great day because I got to see Mike and Nola, some friends we made in Europe 2001 who have come to visit Canada from Australia.  It was so wonderful to see them!  It was like no time had passed at all... we just picked up our conversation right where we left off.  It is weird though, realizing that the last time I spoke with them in person, I hadn't chosen a career path, I hadn't chosen a university... I hadn't even graduated from high school!  I wish we would have had more time to catch up, but they were on their way to St. Catherine's, and I am here in the computer lab ready to cram some extra info in before my CHEM 265L final.  I would just like to once again thank Mike and Nola for treating me to lunch!  I had a wonderful time, and truly appreciate it =)
On that note, I would also like to thank Dawn for lunch on Sunday, and Chris for treating Jane and I to dinner.  You guys are the best! =)  Your generosity is inspiring to me, and I hope that with the resources I have available to me, I can show the same generosity back.
Please say a quick prayer for a dilemma I'm having regarding my Montreal housing situation.  It's a bit of a complicated matter, and right now I need wisdom to make my decision.
Well, one hour to study should suffice =P  For now, I'll keep on running!

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Happy Birthday Miriam!!  I hope you have a great day, and especially a very good dinner! =)
Well, I am just doing some chemistry after spending a wonderful night with the CCF girls.  We held "Girl's Night" at my place, and it was really enjoyable.  I was especially happy that a couple of girls that weren't going to come ended up coming and staying for a couple of hours.  I hope that the more intimate setting of a house may encourage us to pursue deeper friendships with each other.  I know that sometimes at retreats, you meet so many people that it's hard to even try to get to know them.  All totaled, we had twelve girls participate in the evening, with 8 sleeping over.  We decided to go to bed around 5:30 am, and Calla casually noticed that the sky had colour in it.  There was much groaning after that realization =P  One highlight of the morning after went as follows:
Calla:  I'm surprised that the guys didn't crash our party...
Jane:  Well, they would know not to crash Marianne's house... since it's not really a student's house.
All:  The cars!
Yes, yes, Calla's car was hit by those devious boys! ^_^  Though it remains a great mystery how and when they opened the doors and stuffed the entire car full of crinkled paper.  We were pretty amused actually.  I must credit them... it was very clever!
When everybody left, I think that God spoke to me in a few ways.  One of those ways was that once again, He has told me that I am indeed a very rich girl.  To have found the sisters in Christ that God has put in my life never ceases to fill me with that "warm fuzzy feeling".  I feel like Paul and how he writes of the church in Philipi:
"I thank my God every time I remember you.  In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."  -- Philippians 1:3-6

I feel so honoured that it is with these sisters that I will serve beside for all of eternity.  I know that I have a lot to learn from them.  I enjoy the challenge they present, and the love and caring they show for one another. 
All that said, I am thrilled with the success of girl's night, and I hope that this may become a sort of tradition that will unite CCF-er-elles for years to come!

Friday, July 09, 2004

Quick update...

Hello there! Marianne is very very tired, and will thus share a fast update on life in general ^_^

So, I found an apartment for the fall term in Montreal. Praise God! It was so arranged by Him too! We were having a lot of trouble because landlords really don't like the idea of 4-month leases... especially the kind that end just before January, which is the season that few people move, apparently...

I called lots of ads and got lots of "no's". Finally, I called this one ad, and told the man my situation and mentioned I was a co-op student. I arranged a visit to the apartment (and it's gorgeous... I'll post pics later). Anyways, he told my parents as we were parting that had I only said I was a student, he would have said no, but since I was a co-op student, it made him re-consider. The reason is because he just happens to be a retired engineer that used to hire Waterloo co-op students! And as if those "coincidences" aren't enough, we passed the church that Jonas goes to on the way. It just happens to be on my street =D I'm also pleased as punch that the apartment has its own washer and dryer. Yay for clean clothes =P

In other news: I have survived 9 hours so far of the 30-hour famine. When Josiah announced the famine, I immediately went to get a form. I have been wanting to do this famine for years. However, I think I've wanted to do it to appease my guilt (long story...). In any case, I just got back from prayer meeting, and I'm very happy because during my time in prayer, God revealed to me His true purpose behind the famine. I guess since secular groups do it as well, I didn't really expect all the emphasis on "true fasting". I am really learning a lot already through this experience... and I'm not even really all that hungry... yet!

Well, this weekend will be spent right here in front of this computer. I have a long report to write, as well as a term-assignment to start, and studying for my last midterm. Yikes! It's gearing back up again and I'm running on empty! I guess sometimes you have to run on empty to realize that it's when you're on empty that you have the most fuel of all.

End of philosophy. Sleep is beckoning.

To Vicki: I hope that the retreat goes well and that you are all very "uncomfortable"! I know that God will speak to you guys this weekend.
