Saturday, July 17, 2004

Happy Birthday Miriam!!  I hope you have a great day, and especially a very good dinner! =)
Well, I am just doing some chemistry after spending a wonderful night with the CCF girls.  We held "Girl's Night" at my place, and it was really enjoyable.  I was especially happy that a couple of girls that weren't going to come ended up coming and staying for a couple of hours.  I hope that the more intimate setting of a house may encourage us to pursue deeper friendships with each other.  I know that sometimes at retreats, you meet so many people that it's hard to even try to get to know them.  All totaled, we had twelve girls participate in the evening, with 8 sleeping over.  We decided to go to bed around 5:30 am, and Calla casually noticed that the sky had colour in it.  There was much groaning after that realization =P  One highlight of the morning after went as follows:
Calla:  I'm surprised that the guys didn't crash our party...
Jane:  Well, they would know not to crash Marianne's house... since it's not really a student's house.
All:  The cars!
Yes, yes, Calla's car was hit by those devious boys! ^_^  Though it remains a great mystery how and when they opened the doors and stuffed the entire car full of crinkled paper.  We were pretty amused actually.  I must credit them... it was very clever!
When everybody left, I think that God spoke to me in a few ways.  One of those ways was that once again, He has told me that I am indeed a very rich girl.  To have found the sisters in Christ that God has put in my life never ceases to fill me with that "warm fuzzy feeling".  I feel like Paul and how he writes of the church in Philipi:
"I thank my God every time I remember you.  In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."  -- Philippians 1:3-6

I feel so honoured that it is with these sisters that I will serve beside for all of eternity.  I know that I have a lot to learn from them.  I enjoy the challenge they present, and the love and caring they show for one another. 
All that said, I am thrilled with the success of girl's night, and I hope that this may become a sort of tradition that will unite CCF-er-elles for years to come!


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