~ Dreams and visions ~I am very excited about next term... lately, God has been giving me a little bit of a 'sneak peek' in on what I believe He is calling me to do in CCF next term. And the more I talk about it, the more excited I get!
So indulge me for a paragraph or two...or four! ^_^
So, one of my very deepest passions is telling other people about Jesus. I have always believed that it's one of my spiritual gifts, although perhaps I need a little more in the area of discerning who is ready for the message and who is not! Anyways, working in the seeker ministry in CCF has been a really big blessing, both in learning to cope with attendence difficulties, patience, and even the jubilation of seeing a sister come to Christ! When Alex and I started up the seeker ministry in CCF a couple years ago, I wholeheartedly believed, as I still do, that being God's ministry, it would perpetuate and gather speed as the years went on. However, with the exception of our Alpha group last term, there has been a very low interest in volunteering in this area. I couldn't help but become a little discouraged wondering why more people weren't passionate about helping people come to a place where they can meet with God for the very first time. Why is this?
I believe that there are two reasons. For one, as students we get so caught up with all of our responsibilities that we lose the sense of urgency in this ministry. God has placed people in each of our lives that can ONLY be reached by God through US because of the unique sets of gifts each of us possess. And I truly believe that. But do we as a fellowship believe that? Do we internalize it until we absolutely must move on the issue?
The second reason is that, once this urgency is present, Christians feel intimidated because they feel that they do not posssess the apologetic knowledge base to go out and talk to people. Do we necessarily need to know apologetics? Do, I believe that God will speak through us through our experiences and lifestyle. Are apologetics still valuable? Infinitely!
So how does this tie into where I will serve in CCF? While I feel that any time next term I spend leading a seeker group would be valuable, I feel that God has opened my eyes to a harvest! With a new wave of frosh coming in, and many second years returning, why not instead share my experience, passion, and apologetics with others? CCF needs future leaders! We have reached that critical number...120. If we want to break it the hardest number, we will need more leaders than ever before...people who love God and love this fellowship to step up and take up the torch. As for me, I will obey God and do my part in prepare as many of those future leaders that I can, according to the measure of the abilities that He has given me.
I could use all the help I can get! Please let me know if you have any experiences or knowledge that I could add to this workshop-styled cell group. Currently, I am thinking of having an open format where the fellowship would be informed of the topics before-hand. We would simply pray one week, and learn the next, and alternate back and forth. If you feel God calling you to get involved, please email me at joyfuljangle@gmail.com!
Are you ready to rumble!?