~ Sauga Bound! ~
This weekend will mark a much anticipated reunion of sorts, with the Mok sisters (can't wait to see you guys!). I'll be staying at Vicki and Becca's house in Mississauga and trekking off to Missionfest 2006, so I'm sure that there will be much to blog about upon my return. One seminar I want to go to is called "How to Hear God's Voice". This is an area that I sometimes seem to do well in, and other times (like now), I think that I am somewhat oblivious to that small still voice that calls us. I hope God will convict my heart in areas I need to change to help accelerate the dissolution of this barrier that has set-up in my heart these past couple weeks.
Missing Mom and Dad very much...they are currently in New Zealand and will be in Australia shortly. Poor Dad's caught himself a nasty cold. Prayers, prayers. It's weird just realizing that they are the farthest I could possibly go if I needed to see them. Haha, I remember when I lived with Diane in second year how her Mom would mix up the times every now and then and call at 5 am. Well, let's just say the joke's on me now! My poor, poor roommates ^_~