Wednesday, April 20, 2005

~Packing Up~

Well, here I am all by my lonesome (well...I must not disclude Jesus!) here in Eby 605. Had an unexpected study spurt between 11:30 pm and now, which is 1:45 am. Hooray! Finally making some progress =)

Anyways, tomorrow I'm moving my stuff over to WCRI with the help of my cousin Paul! Exciting! So, Mr. Computer will be packed up in the morning, hence making this my final broadcast from the beloved Eby suite.

Memory of the moment: Copious amounts of apples! ^_^

God bless you in exams, work, or play. Whatever you're doing, do it for Him!

Peace out Eby 605!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

~Parting is such sweet sorrow~

Well, just finished my music exam, which went really well. I was afraid of it because I haven't focussed like I should have...perhaps because it is my elective and I'm not used to history-type memory work anymore. In any case, the format was a bit weird, but I think I got most of it. The best part was a 10 point bonus section (the exam is on 100 points!). I enjoyed being able to express my opinion on the music that I enjoyed most during this course, although as I kept writing, I wanted to write about more and more genres. Alas, I kept it down to two ^_^

So, I walked out and said goodbye to an awesome course that has further pryed open the musical boundaries of my mind.

Victoria is moving out today =( It seems to put a certain finality on the term. Living with Vicki and Mimi this term has been so awesome! We've had more fun than I can describe, and for all the hype I pumped myself with in preparation for this term, for once I was not disappointed. Thank you guys for making our home truly a HOME! A place where we can laugh and cry together...and mull over life's challenges and triumphs with a good ol'fashioned mug of HK milk tea. Will remember this term fondly...

It would be all twice as sad if not for living in WCRI next term with Vicki and Lucie!! Haha! More videos and homemovies to come!

End of the term also marks when the streams at UW many brothers and sisters that are either graduating or gone away for co-op. I'm certainly going to miss the people that have had such an integral part in challenging me and helping me grow closer to God. However, I will not limit God's power and look forward to the new bonds that will be made this summer with the "off-streamers"...of whom I know remarkably few!

Still unable to sleep at night because I keep rearranging where I'm going to put my bed in the WCRI living room. Aiya... =P

God bless as exams come barelling to a finish.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Thought I should take better advantage of Hello...don't use it nearly as much as I should!

Well, today I started packing my stuff up for moving over to WCRI =D I'll miss Eby though... not only is it actually a nice and quiet place to live (and so close it makes my heart skip a beat!), but the times that we've shared in such a short time are enough to fill up a book.

Anyways, today as I was getting "in the zone" to study for music, I did a few quizzes. They're listed below along with results:

What gender is your brain?
[67% female, 33% male]

What age will you live until?
[ age 91]

What is your inner European?
[Italian] lol, one of the few countries I don't have blood from!

Are you an A-type personality?
[ You are B+...easy going yet get things done]

What kind of intelligence do you have?
[Dominant Intelligence: Linguistic] apparently, this makes me ideally suited to be a teacher =P

What side of your brain do you think with?
[65% left, 35% right]

What is your detective name?
[Fox St. Peter]

What is your soap opera name?
[Joy Northlands]....that's Northlandenburgen to you!!

Until next time, this is Fox St. Peter, signing off!Posted by Hello

Monday, April 11, 2005

~Ups and Dows ^_^~


- I got my NSERC grant (hooray!); this means that I am not unemployed, and I get to enjoy beautiful Waterloo weather with no homework, as well as get some very valuable organic chemistry experience. Thank you to everybody who prayed for me =)

- A place to live for next term! (place check-mark beside "Live at Lillian's") Haha, it will be my very first time living in a living room. I'm actually quite excited about it. I think it will be a really cool story to tell my kids when they're in high school (lol, how cool am I?)

- Physical biochemistry exam went well despite me not quite being prepared for it. I'm really thankful that I've pretty much enjoyed all my classes this term, and even in moments when I didn't, I could always see educational value in what I was learning. Thank you God for the positive attitude change from past terms!

- AWESOME Dim Sum last week with the Alpha yummy, and excellent time with friends =)

- The weather is absolutely gorgeous right now and I'm really enjoying the sunshine.

- Really looking forward to serving in CCF next term


- Exam today didn't go so great...I thought I was prepared, but many of the questions caught me off-guard. I don't think this course will be belled either because the class in general is doing very well (midterms were amazing...can be thankful for that!)

- Laundry fiasco today (ask in person ^_^). Oh well, at least I got good studying done.

- Jitters for tomorrow's exam...advanced cell biology (but really really cool stuff I'm learning about)

- I can't seem to go a day lately without a nap. I am finding this a little bit distressing. I am planning a physical fitness regime for the summer that will perhaps give me more energy.

- Just read a friend's blog and found the content very distressing... didn't realize that she is in the situation she is in. Please pray for God to reveal himself in a very big way to her!

That is the update for now =) Keep checking back for more random thoughts...

Saturday, April 02, 2005

2 days of classes to go... a picture for you ^_^

~Ends and Finals~

I think that "finals" is a very appropriate term for exams...because it is also the time when many other activities come to an end. For example, this week, we had our last Alpha of the term, and our last official CCF program. I know I say it every term, but I absolutely can't believe how fast it's gone! I'm not ready to say goodbye to gourmet Thursday night meals or my L-shaped room in Eby =O Haha, but seriously, it seems like life barrels forward and you have the choice to live in the past or embrace the present. I choose to embrace the present, but man, there are just some things I don't want to let go of! That's where faith comes that God's plan for our lives is ALIVE and MOVING...and even though I still feel like yesterday I was a frosh and now I'm somehow half-way done third year, I am excited to see how God has been shaping lives (mine and others around me), how his Spirit is moving among people on this campus, how He pulls different people together and you find out why later, and finally, what is to come! A part of me never wants to grow go away from this place that I've grown to love so much...the people that have meant so much in my walk with God... (look at me, the melodramatic...graduating in 2 years and already mourning, haha!), but the other part of me seems to almost be seeing the world as if for the very first time, through brand-new "Spirit-glasses". Here's thanks to God for a wonderful term!
Posted by Hello